If you are interested in inviting Dr. Sachs to speak to your organization, please fill out the following form and click "Submit".

Dr. Sachs's availability and fee vary depending on the time, location, and format, but we will be happy to discuss this with you in more detail once we have set up a file for your request.

Your Name:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Name of Agency/ Organization and Brief Description:
Preferred format (1-hour Keynote with Q&A, Half-Day Staff Development, Full-Day Symposium, etc.):
Approximate Number of Attendees:
Preferred time-frame (A specific date, Any time this school year, Sometime in the spring, etc.):
Budgetary Considerations:
Would like Dr. Sachs available for promotional interviews with local media prior to appearance: Yes No
Would like our office to arrange for sales of Dr. Sachs's books and materials at appearance: Yes No
Would like Dr. Sachs available for book-signing before and/or after appearance: Yes No
How you heard about Dr. Sachs:
Any additional information: